Hello there!
I love all food, that's no surprise to anyone.
But growing up I was an extremely picky eater. We're talking a solid diet of macaroni and cheese, top ramen, and peanut butter sandwiches {a love that truly never died} I wish I was joking but that's honestly a majority of what I ate. Vegetables did not exist to me, I hated any meat that wasn't in nugget or patty form, and I didn't even give a second glance to fruit.
It was all disgusting.
As I got older, I started branching out and realized that food is actually pretty awesome. Being a picky eater for the first fifteen years of my life, I had missed out on A LOT of good eats! So I've made it my sole mission in life to try everything and anything.
Growing up an athlete, I also realized early on the importance of eating right in order to fuel your body properly. My senior year I went from unable to cook a pancake {we're talking raw inside, burnt to a crisp on the outside. EMBARRASSING!} to teaching myself every cooking technique under the sun and crafting weekly meal preps to keep up with my busy schedule!
Food has since become a huge part of my life. We celebrate with food, we bond over food; society as a whole is brought together in the presence of food; I love that. Through the power of social media and a true love for good eats, I've had the opportunity to meet and collaborate with so many amazing people.
And for that, I couldn't be more thankful.
Say hello!
Wanna collaborate?
Have a suggestion?
Full of questions?
Go ahead and write me down below, I'd love to hear from you!